Thursday, November 26, 2009

I found something cool!

Ever noticed how it is always when you're not intentionally looking for something that you find stuff? Maybe that's just me and indeed that did happen to me just now. While surfing the net, I happened upon a website that I had never heard of before - it's called "Oregon"!

You may or may not know that Oregon Hill is a historic neighborhood in Richmond, Virginia, USA, but Oregon is an online publication devoted to showcasing interesting events and happenings going on in the neighborhood itself, and larger events, too, that are impacting the community (namely, the greater Richmond area).

I think it's cool to have the residents of a community come together; it can build pride, unity, and it provides an outlet and opportunity for people to get involved with something meaningful and rewarding. Local involvement activities to me are something that can be personal to you and more within your reach and means, because it is literally right within your very own living community! You also get to share and commune together with your family, friends, and neighborhbors in an experience.

Sorry, I know I have spent a lot of time writing about Oregon; my interest was stirred by this finding, but it does relate to Project 4063. When I was searching for something about Project 4063 on Google, I found a blog post about us. Again, because Oregon covers local events in Oregon Hill and sometimes the larger community, one of our events was up on there. The one about the New Media Mixer was simultaneously blogged about and advertised by the guy who started the website. Although the post had some slightly incorrect details, it was still neat to see how wide Project 4063 has been placed across the internet, how many eyes have seen us, as well as how many of our acquaintances have been made aware of the project and have participated with us. Check out the blog on the Oregon Hill Website yourself!

Thanks and peace out!

- Stephanie

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