Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tips on Donating Food

With the holidays approaching people often find it in their hearts to donate to those in need. One of the best ways to help out is by donating food to food pantries (which the William Byrd Community House has!)
A lot of people think that donating food means cleaning out your own food pantry... think again! Here are some tips that can help make your donations even more appreciated.

- Check the expiration date on canned goods. That can of Spam that you had to blow dust off of may have already expired.
-Remember that although you love lima beans doesn't mean everyone does. Don't get us wrong, food pantries and the people they serve are grateful for anything they can get, but try to vary the food you donate.
- Ask an organization what their needs are. Sometimes they need more than just food.
- Most pantries will accept all sorts of goods such as...
 meals in a can, such as stews and ravioli
 canned soups
 canned tuna or other canned meat
 peanut butter
 pasta sauce
 canned fruit
 macaroni and cheese mix
 disposable diapers and baby formula

- Many organizations will gladly accept monetary donations as well. Sometimes they are even preferred because they can use that to buy specific goods that people need!

Do your part to help those who are in need! Whether it is donating food, time, or money.


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